Şelale Oral and Dental Health Clinic, Manavgat Dentist, Dental Hospital, Manavgat Teeth, Şelale Teeth, Cosmetic Dentistry, Zirconium, İmplant, Teeth whitening, Dentist
  • Contact Us: +90 242 742 50 69

  • Contact Us: +90 242 742 50 69

  • Contact Us: +90 242 742 50 69

  • Contact Us: +90 242 742 50 69

Apical Resection 1679 | 02.02.2016

Apical Resection; removal of the tip of the tooth root and related surrounding tissue which is infected. This operation is done to ensure a healthy structure ; when the inflammation around the tip of root does not heal after the root canal treatment and in the presence of chronic pathology.

According to the tooth the procedure can take about  30-90 minutes. Antimicrobial mouthwashes, anti-inflammatory and / or antibiotic use may be concerned according to the dentist's advice.



To access the bone and root tip the gum should be removed by cutting. The root tip revealed is cut  and environmental  infected tissues should all be cleaned. Gum is placed in position and the sutured. A few months later the bone around the roots should be healed and  all symptoms should be disappeared.